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tamoadmin 2024-06-12 人已围观

简介1.中国人过春节的相关知识(英语) 要英语的!!!!2.十二生肖的英文怎么写作文3.虎年的来历或传说 英文版!!!4.英文版的十二生肖的来历和各自喻义5.介绍十二生肖的英语短文The year of your birth does not just indicate your age! According to the Chinese system of Astrology, the year

1.中国人过春节的相关知识(英语) 要英语的!!!!


3.虎年的来历或传说 英文版!!!




The year of your birth does not just indicate your age! According to the Chinese system of Astrology, the year of birth indicates a certain phase or aspect of a sixty-year cycle of time. Three systems are used for counting and classifying the years: The ten Heavenly Stems, the twelve Earthly Branches and the twelve Animals.

The exact origins of the twelve animal system remain unknown. However, legend has it that, once upon a time, the Jade King was bored, having nothing to do in Heaven. He did not see what was happening on Earth, as he had servants satiating his every wish and desire. He decided that he wanted to see the animals that inhabited the earth so he sent word to his advisors to bring him twelve animals (which he considered to be a good sampling.) The advisor first sent an invitation to the Rat, telling him to also bring the cat. The Rat's jealousy prevented the cat from actually receiving the invitation.

Further invitations were sent on to the Ox, the Tiger, the Rabbit, the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Ram, the Monkey, the Rooster and the Dog, asking for their presence at the palace the following day. When they lined up in front of the king, he found that they numbered only eleven, instead of twelve as he had requested. The king sent his servant down to Earth to retrieve a twelfth animal. The servant ran into a man carrying a Pig, and he hastily grabbed it and delivered it to the king.

The animals stood in front of the king in no particular order. The Rat, being smaller than the rest, hopped on the Ox's back and proceeded to play the flute. The king was very impressed by this display. He gave the Rat first place. Second place was given to the Ox for its good sportsmanship, and third was given to the Tiger, who appeared so courageous. The Rabbit was given fourth place, the Dragon fifth, the Snake sixth, the Horse seventh, the Ram eighth, the Monkey ninth, the Rooster tenth and the Dog eleventh. By def

中国人过春节的相关知识(英语) 要英语的!!!!
























当然这只是传说,其实是因为猫是从国外传到中国的,而中国出现十二生肖时,还没有 "猫" 这个词儿,所以理所当然就没有猫了。


Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is the most important festivity for the Chinese people in America and Great Britain. It is also called the Spring Festival① or the Lunar New Year②. The exact date on the Western calendar changes from year to year. However, Chinese New Year takes place between 1 January and 19 February.

On the Chinese lunar calendar every month begins with the new moon. Every year has an animal's name. These animals are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon③, snake, horse, ram④, monkey, rooster⑤, dog and pig. A Chinese legend says that these twelve animals had a race. The first year was named after the rat, the winner. The other eleven years were named afte the order⑥, in which the animals arrived in the race. The clever rat jumped onto the ox's back then at the end jumped over the ox's head to arrive first! The Chinese believe that a person born in a particular year has some of the characteristics⑦ of that animal.

Celebrations in Chinese families last for about two weeks. The celebration begin with traditional house cleaning. The Chinese get rid of old and useless things. They do this to throw away the misfortunes⑧ of the past year. On Chinese New Year's Eve all family members enjoy a big, delicious meal. It is very important for the Chinese to be with their families on this occasion. Fish is always part of the dinner because it represents abundance⑨.

On New Year's Day all Chinese children wear new clothes with bright colours. Red is considered a lucky colour. Parents and relatives give children the traditional New Year's gift called "Lai see" (lucky money). This money is put into bright red and gold envelopes. Red is a traditional colour for festivals, celebrations, weddings and birthdays.

The lion dancers are always part of the festivities. The lion has a big head and long body made of cloth. The lion dance is accompanied by drums, cymbals and noisy firecrackers. According to ancient traditions the great noise frightens away evil spirits.

The dragon is the most important figure of the Chinese New Year festivities and parades. The dragon is considered a lucky figure. A parade dragon can be 20 to 30 metres long! Sixty or more men move under a long cloth that represents the dragon's tail.

① Spring Festival 春节

② the Lunar New Year 农历新年

③ dragon 龙

④ ram 羊

⑤ rooster 公鸡

⑥ order 顺序

⑦ characteristic 特点

⑧ misfortune 不幸

⑨ represent abundance 代表富裕



虎年的来历或传说 英文版!!!

1. 十二生肖的英文分别怎么写

一. 鼠——Rat 英语中用以比喻讨厌鬼,可耻的人,告密者,密探,破坏罢工的人;美国俚语指新学生、下流女人。

当看到 *** ell a rat这一词组时,是指人们怀疑在做错某事。a rat race则表示激烈的竞争 。

rats desert a sinking ship(船沉鼠先逃,这一谚语意指那些一遇到危险就争先寻求 安全或一看见困难便躲得老远的人。) 二. 牛——Ox 涉及“牛”的汉语成语很多,如“对牛弹琴”、“牛蹄之涔”等。

英语中涉及“Ox”的表 达方式则不多。用Ox - eyed形容眼睛大的人;用短语The black Ox has trod on *** 's foot表示灾祸已降临到某人头上。

三. 虎——Tiger 指凶恶的人,虎狼之徒;英国人指穿制服的马夫;口语中常指比赛的劲敌。中国和东南亚国家常以Paper tiger比喻貌似强大而实质虚弱的敌人。

词组ride the tiger表示以非常不 确定或危险的方式生活。 四. 兔——Hare 在英国俚语中,hare指坐车不买票的人。

与hare组成的词组有:make a hare of *** .愚弄某人。start a hare。

在讨论中提出枝节问题。例如:You start a hare ever time at the meeting.每次讨论你都提出与题无关的问题。

英语中有许多关于兔的谚语,如: 1. First catch your hare.勿谋之过早(意指:不要过于乐观)。 2. You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hounde.不能两面讨好(意指:不要耍两面派)。

五. 龙——Dragon 龙在中国人民的心目中占有崇高的位置,有关龙的成语非常多,且含有褒义。如“龙跃凤鸣”、“龙骧虎步”等。


以dragon组成的词组也多含贬义。如dragon's teeth :相互争斗的根源;排列或多层的楔形反坦克混克混凝土障碍物。

the old Dragon:魔鬼。 六. 蛇——Snake 指冷酷阴险的人,虚伪的人,卑鄙的人;美国俚语指追求和欺骗少女的男子或男阿飞。

由 此看到,在英语中,“snake”往往含有贬义。如: John's behavior should him to be a snake. 约翰的行为表明他是一个冷酷阴险的人。

与snake组成的成语习语、谚语有许多,简举几例: a snake in the grass.潜伏的敌人或危险。 to warm a snake in one's bosom.养虎贻患,姑息坏人。

Takd heed of the snake in the grass.草里防蛇。 七. 马——Horse 英美国家的人很喜欢马,因此,用“horse”这个词组成的词组、成语、谚语非常之多,此举几例: 1. get on the high horse.摆架子,目空一切。

2. work like a horse.辛苦的干活。 3. horse doctor.兽医、庸医。

4. dark horse.竞争中出人意料的获胜者。 如:The voters were surprised when the dark horse won the nomination.那个无名小卒在竞争中获胜时,投票者无不大吃一惊。

八. 羊——Sheep 英语中指害羞而忸怩的人,胆小鬼,驯服的人。有关sheep的谚语不少。

1. As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb. 偷羊偷羔都是绞(死);偷大偷小统是贼 (意指:一不做,二不休)。 2. There's a black sheep in every flock. 每一羊群里都会有一只黑羊,丑儿子家家有(意指:每个家里都会有个败家子。)

3. He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf. 甘心做绵羊,早晚喂 豹狼(人弱受人欺)。 4. The sheep who tallks peace with a wolf will soon be mutton. 羊向狼乞求和平,很快就会变成羊肉(意指,切勿向敌人乞求和平)。

九. 猴——Monkey 1、monkey作名词时指顽童、淘气鬼,猴子似的人,易受欺的人。如:What are you doing, you young monkey !你在干什么呀,小捣蛋鬼! 2、monkey作动词时指胡闹、瞎弄、捣蛋。

如:Stop monkeying about with the TV set !不 要瞎弄电视机! 3、与monkey一词搭配的词组、习语和俚语很多非常有趣。如:put *** 's monkey up.使某人生气,激怒某人;Your last word has really put his monkey up.你最后一句话实在使他大为生气;又如:make a monkey of愚弄;a monkey with a long tail.抵押;get the monkey off.戒除恶习;have a monkey on one's back.毒瘾很深。

十. 鸡——Cock 指首领,头目,神气十足的人,与cock组成的词组多姿多彩,如:Cock of the walk / school.支配别人的人;a cock of the loft / dunghill.在小天地中称王称霸的人;Live like fighting cocke.生活很好,尤指吃得好;Cock - and - bull story.荒诞的故事, 无稽之谈。 用cock表达的谚语:It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.牝 鸡司晨,家之不祥(意指:丈夫软弱而一切由妻子作主的家庭是不会幸福的,当然这是一 种夫权思想)。

十一. 狗——Dog 汉语中常用“狗”比喻人,如“忠实走狗”、“看家狗”,成语“狗苟蝇营”、“狗彘不若”等。在英语中除了喻人外,还有丰富多彩的词组、谚语等。

dog作名词时指无赖汉,坏蛋、废物,不受喜爱(或欢迎)的人。有时加形容词修饰可指各 种人,如:You dirty dog !你这个坏小子!a lucky dog.幸运儿;a dumb dog.沉默不语 的人,a sly dog.暗中寻欢的人和暗地里偷鸡摸狗的人;a dog in the manger.占着茅坑 不拉屎的人。

用dog表达的谚语: 1. Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人。

2. 十二生肖英语作文


you are energetic and active ,but sometimes too impatient.

youlike to be the leader .some people think that you are selfish at times.


you are stubborn and do not like change .you are a hard-work person.

you are patient and do not give up easily.


you are a curious and clever person .you are outgoing.you love to talk.


you are kind.you love your homeand family and like to take care of others.you like saving money and cooking.


you are a strong and confident person .youare generous. you like to buy your friends nice gifts.


you are a modest person .you worry too much at times.you are practical and you always pay attention to details.


youare a polite and fair person .

you are elegant and love beautiful things.you love peace and do not like to like others.


you are a powerful person and have lots of energy .you like to keep secrets.however sometimes it is silly of you not to five others for their faults.


you enjoy life and have a good sense of humour .you are often lucky.

you love tavelling to different places.


you are businesslike and are often successful.you are good at making or planning things .you are patient enough to wait without getting angry.


you are kind and wise.you have many friends.however,some people think that you are strange as you hate to be like anyone else and you try everything just to be different.


you are geners ,kind,gentleandeasy-going.you are also creative and imaginative.you like to dream about everything.

3. 十二生肖的英文怎么写

试读结束,如需阅读或下载,请点击购买> 原发布者:龙源期刊网 “生肖”也就是俗话说的“属相”,是中国人特有的一种表示出生时间的方式。

英语中,当谈个人出生的属相时,表达为“—What animal sign were you born under?(你属什么?)—I was born in the year of the Cock/ Mine is the Cock.(我属鸡。)”汉语中,人们往往以十二生肖中的动物来比喻人,即把不同(性格、特征、习性等)的人比作动物,如常以“毒如蛇蝎”来比喻心毒手辣的人,“笨猪”来比喻笨人,“胆小如鼠”来比喻胆小怯懦的人等。


*** ell a rat是指“觉得可疑;觉得情况不妙”。a rat race则表示“激烈的竞争”。

rats desert a sinking ship(船沉鼠先逃),这一谚语意指“那些一遇到危险就争先寻求安全或一看见困难便躲得老远的人”。二、牛——Ox涉及“牛”的汉语成语很多,如“对牛弹琴”、“牛蹄之涔”等。


4. 十二生肖英文介绍

Rat charm, 子鼠 Ox patient, 丑牛 Tiger sensitive, 寅虎 Rabbit articulate, 卯兔 Dragon healthy, 辰龙 Snake deep, 巳蛇 Horse popular, 午马 Goat elegant, 未羊 Monkey clever, 申猴 Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡 Dog loyalty, 戌狗 Pig chivalrous. 亥猪


















Origin of the Tiger

Tiger in the Chinese zodiac ranks third in the 13 to control are "Yin", so a day within a 12 hour = "yin shi" - three in the morning to a five-point also known as "Tiger, when."

In ancient times the sign of the Zodiac there are lions, not tigers. As the lion was too cruel, reputation is not good, in charge of the Jade Emperor wanted to seal Zodiac lion removed, but it must also make up into a mountain town of tube animals. At this time, the Jade Emperor thought the tiger front of palace guards.

Temple of the Tiger defender is only on the ground past a non-famous animal. It is learned from the master cat was captured, flutter, biting, fried, red, jump, off, etc. After the 18 martial arts to become warriors of the mountain forests. Any and its battle, the undead or damaged. Since then, the Tigers dominated the forest. Later, the Jade Emperor heard that extremely fierce tiger, they decreed that a tiger pass to heaven. Tiger Heaven, the guardian of battle with the Jade Emperor and win them. Since then, the Tiger Temple in the front of the hall became guardian.

Who would have thought long after, on the ground of the birds and beasts, see no town, pipe, began to perpetrate them. To the human caused disaster, this issue has alarmed the land gods, the land God quickly reported to heaven, please send the Jade Emperor unified god quells beasts. The Jade Emperor Tiger has sent down to earth, tigers require each win one, they give him credit for. The Jade Emperor Zhi Qiu earth peace, of course, Tiger Mankoudaying requirements.

To the earthly, tigers learned lion, bear, horse was the most powerful of the three kinds of animals. It specifically to the challenges of these three animals. With Tiger's bravery and superb martial arts to connect defeated lions, bears, horses. Fled to hear of the other Wu Shou, possession into the uninhabited forest wilderness. Cheers human movement, the appreciation for the earth a piece of legislation tiger gong.

To return to heaven, the Jade Emperor Tiger straight dog day because they are carved on its forehead, three horizontal line. Later, the earth has been harassment of the East sea turtles strange earth an ocean. So many small evil human, the tiger went to the mortal, bitten to death by a turtle strange. The Jade Emperor a happy, and gave the tiger in mind a great merit, in the forehead, among the three they have a cross-pricked. Thus an eye-catching "King" character is now a tiger forehead. Since then, Tiger will be for the King of Beasts, mains beasts. Today, the tiger, also you can see the amount of power and prestige of the "King" is used.

The lion's notoriety came in the Temple, the Jade Emperor decided to remove the lion's Zodiac titles, added into the Beastmaster tiger. Since then, the tiger became a sign of the Zodiac, the lion was banished to the distant south go. Of course, the tiger front of palace guards from the Jade Emperor, the next mortal, eternal peace lower bounds. Today, there are still Fifteen Strings of Coins, tiger ring, tiger carving, etc. In addition to disaster Mianhuo town evil things. In rural areas, many people also like the children Daihu headgear, wearing tiger-head shoes. As a Fu, this is not a trend Kyrgyzstan evil plan, auspicious peace.

At 3-5 hours (the "yin shi"). According to ancient books contain. At this time, the tiger is the most active and violent, wounding up to, because yin shi match with the Tigers.




英语中,当谈个人出生的属相时,表达为“What animal sign were you born under ?你属什么?I was born in the year of the Cock / Mine is the Coak.我属鸡。”十二生肖的12种动物在汉语中只有一个:鼠:Rat,牛:Ox,虎:Tiger,兔:Hare,龙:Dragon,蛇:Snake,马:Horse,羊:Sheep,猴:Monkey,鸡:Cock,狗:Dog,猪:Boar。


一. 鼠——Rat


当看到smell a rat这一词组时,是指人们怀疑在做错某事。a rat race则表示激烈的竞争。rats desert a sinking ship(船沉鼠先逃,这一谚语意指那些一遇到危险就争先寻求安全或一看见困难便躲得老远的人。)

二. 牛——Ox

涉及“牛”的汉语成语很多,如“对牛弹琴”、“牛蹄之涔”等。英语中涉及“Ox”的表达方式则不多。用Ox - eyed形容眼睛大的人;用短语The black Ox has trod on sb’s foot表示灾祸已降临到某人头上。

三. 虎——Tiger

指凶恶的人,虎狼之徒;英国人指穿制服的马夫;口语中常指比赛的劲敌。中国和东南亚国家常以Paper tiger比喻貌似强大而实质虚弱的敌人。词组ride the tiger表示以非常不确定或危险的方式生活。

四. 兔——Hare

在英国俚语中,hare指坐车不买票的人。与hare组成的词组有:make a hare of sb.愚弄某人。start a hare。在讨论中提出枝节问题。

例如:You start a hare ever time at the meeting.每次讨论你都提出与题无关的问题。


1. First catch your hare.勿谋之过早(意指:不要过于乐观)。

2. You cannot run with the hare and hunt with hounde.不能两面讨好(意指:不要耍两面派)。

五. 龙——Dragon

龙在中国人民的心目中占有崇高的位置,有关龙的成语非常多,且含有褒义。如“龙跃凤鸣”、“龙骧虎步”等。在外国语言中,赞扬龙的词语非常之少,且含有贬义。如“dragon”指凶暴的人,严厉的人,凶恶严格的监护人,凶恶的老妇人(尤指很少给在其看管下姑娘自由的老妇人)等。以dragon组成的词组也多含贬义。如dragon’s teeth :相互争斗的根源;排列或多层的楔形反坦克混克混凝土障碍物。the old Dragon:魔鬼。

六. 蛇——Snake


John’s behavior should him to be a snake.约翰的行为表明他是一个冷酷阴险的人。


a snake in the grass.潜伏的敌人或危险。

to warm a snake in one’s bosom.养虎贻患,姑息坏人。Takd heed of the snake in the grass.草里防蛇。

七. 马——Horse


1. get on the high horse.摆架子,目空一切。

2. work like a horse.辛苦的干活。

3. horse doctor.兽医、庸医。

4. dark horse.竞争中出人意料的获胜者。

如:The voters were surprised when the dark horse won the nomination.那个无名小卒在竞争中获胜时,投票者无不大吃一惊。

八. 羊——Sheep


1. As well be hanged for a sheep as a lamb.偷羊偷羔都是绞(死);偷大偷小统是贼(意指:一不做,二不休)。

2. There’s a black sheep in every flock.每一羊群里都会有一只黑羊,丑儿子家家有(意指:每个家里都会有个败家子。)

3. He that makes himself a sheep shall be eaten by the wolf.甘心做绵羊,早晚喂豹狼(人弱受人欺)。

4. The sheep who tallks peace with a wolf will soon be mutton.羊向狼乞求和平,很快就会变成羊肉(意指,切勿向敌人乞求和平)。

九. 猴——Monkey

monkey作名词时指顽童、淘气鬼,猴子似的人,易受欺的人。如:What are you doing, you young monkey !你在干什么呀,小捣蛋鬼!

monkey作动词时指胡闹、瞎弄、捣蛋。如:Stop monkeying about with the TV set !不要瞎弄电视机!

与monkey一词搭配的词组、习语和俚语很多非常有趣。如:put sb’s monkey up.使某人生气,激怒某人;Your last word has really put his monkey up.你最后一句话实在使他大为生气;又如:make a monkey of愚弄;a monkey with a long tail.抵押;get the monkey off.戒除恶习;have a monkey on one’s back.毒瘾很深。

十. 鸡——Cock

指首领,头目,神气十足的人,与cock组成的词组多姿多彩,如:Cock of the walk / school.支配别人的人;a cock of the loft / dunghill.在小天地中称王称霸的人;Live like fighting cocke.生活很好,尤指吃得好;Cock - and - bull story.荒诞的故事,无稽之谈。

用cock表达的谚语:It is a sad house where the hen crows louder than the cock.牝鸡司晨,家之不祥(意指:丈夫软弱而一切由妻子作主的家庭是不会幸福的,当然这是一种夫权思想)。

十一. 狗——Dog


dog作名词时指无赖汉,坏蛋、废物,不受喜爱(或欢迎)的人。有时加形容词修饰可指各种人,如:You dirty dog !你这个坏小子!a lucky dog.幸运儿;a dumb dog.沉默不语的人,a sly dog.暗中寻欢的人和暗地里偷鸡摸狗的人;a dog in the manger.占着茅坑不拉屎的人。


1. Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)。

2. Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日(意指:大家都有走运的一天)。

3. Dog does not eat dog.同类不相残;同室不操戈。

十一. 狗——Dog


dog作名词时指无赖汉,坏蛋、废物,不受喜爱(或欢迎)的人。有时加形容词修饰可指各种人,如:You dirty dog !你这个坏小子!a lucky dog.幸运儿;a dumb dog.沉默不语的人,a sly dog.暗中寻欢的人和暗地里偷鸡摸狗的人;a dog in the manger.占着茅坑不拉屎的人。


1. Barking dogs seldom bite.吠犬不咬人(意指:对于高声发出恐吓,或惯于大声吼叫的人,勿须当真)。

2. Every dog has his day.凡人皆有得意日(意指:大家都有走运的一天)。

3. Dog does not eat dog.同类不相残;同室不操戈。

十二. 猪——Boar



1,鼠——Rat,英语中用以比喻讨厌鬼,可耻的人,告密者,密探,破坏罢工的人;美国俚语指新学生、下流女人。当看到smell a rat这一词组时,是指人们怀疑在做错某事。

a rat race则表示激烈的竞争 。rats desert a sinking ship(船沉鼠先逃,这一谚语意指那些一遇到危险就争先寻求 安全或一看见困难便躲得老远的人。)

2,牛——Ox,涉及“牛”的汉语成语很多,如“对牛弹琴”、“牛蹄之涔”等。英语中涉及“Ox”的表 达方式则不多。用Ox - eyed形容眼睛大的人;用短语The black Ox has trod on sb’s foot表示灾祸已降临到某人头上。

3,虎——Tiger,指凶恶的人,虎狼之徒;英国人指穿制服的马夫;口语中常指比赛的劲敌。中国和东南亚国家常以Paper tiger比喻貌似强大而实质虚弱的敌人。词组ride the tiger表示以非常不 确定或危险的方式生活。

4,兔——Hare,在英国俚语中,hare指坐车不买票的人。与hare组成的词组有:make a hare of sb.愚弄某人。start a hare。在讨论中提出枝节问题。


6,蛇——Snake,指冷酷阴险的人,虚伪的人,卑鄙的人;美国俚语指追求和欺骗少女的男子或男阿飞。由 此看到,在英语中,“snake”往往含有贬义。如:John’s behavior should him to be a snake.约翰的行为表明他是一个冷酷阴险的人。



9,猴——Monkey,monkey作名词时指顽童、淘气鬼,猴子似的人,易受欺的人。如:What are you doing, you young monkey !你在干什么呀,小捣蛋鬼!

10,鸡——Cock,指首领,头目,神气十足的人,与cock组成的词组多姿多彩,如:Cock of the walk / school.支配别人的人;a cock of the loft / dunghill.在小天地中称王称霸的人;Live like fighting cocke.生活很好,尤指吃得好;



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